A series of measurement campaigns have been conducted in the Netherlands with the THALES Nederland SQUIRE and TNO AMBER radars in order to gather data for the training and testing of the ALFA radar classifier. Drones, as well as manned helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft were measured. More measurements will be performed in the near future for targets belonging to the ultralight class as well as operation-ally relevant confusers (sea clutter, cars, bikes, kite surfers, etc.). The measurements of the manned aircraft were conducted in Ter Heijde, i.e. at the coast, South of The Hague. Several runs were flown, inbound and outbound, for different aircraft altitudes and for distances varying from 0 to up to 30 km. Each time, several minutes of useful radar measurements were gathered. Pre- and post-processing of the raw radar measurements has been performed at the TNO and THALES premises to extract useful features that enable the discrimina-tion of the different targets. Using these features, the radar classifier has been trained and tested. A multi-feature, multi-class classifier can thus be developed that performs the classification of the operationally relevant targets in coastal environments.